Christmas parties for my daughter have started, off to one tonight for a christmas BBQ.
Today I start my christmas cooking, I wasn't going to make chocolates this year, but perhaps I might make one batch of truffles and peppermint creams. I will post the recipe afterwards as they are new ones, so I need to see if they work.
Finally at last our christmas lights are up, as we have had non stop rain for days they are up later than usual. I have 2 new lights this year a reindeer in the garden bed outside our window and a flashing "merry christmas" light on our front window.
I passed my written test for waxing, I only have the practical tonight then I am finished. Yeh !!
I was in Melbourne on the weekend, I did some christmas shopping, it is madness, people seem to think that it is christmas eve, or they are trying to get all the shopping done early.