Now today I am going to give you some interesting Santa and Christmas things that you may not know.
While reading the papers on Saturday I found a little item about an app that you can download on your iphone to follow Santa's trip on Christmas eve.
I got Mr CLI to check if it costs anything it doesn't its free. The app is from NORAD (North American Aerospace Defence Command).
Now as Miss Fish still believes in Santa I might get him to download it, my only concern is that being in USA that they will be a day behind so we will have to see on Christmas Eve.

There is even a North Pole site on the web that has a count down till Christmas fun activities for kids and things for parents to do.
If you have children and they want to write a letter to Santa there is even a website just for that.
Everything seems to be electronic, what happened to the days of writing a letter to Santa and going to the local shopping centre and popping it in a specially marked box, or even leaving it out on Christmas Eve for Santa to read.
Talking of Christmas Eve in our house for many years Santa has only got water and carrots for the reindeer, as Miss Le Coiffure stopped the tradition of leaving a glass of Port for Santa when the
"If you drink and drive your a bloody idiot" ads started so Santa was banned for all alcohol ! LOL
Mr CLI and I put up our outside lights last night, when I get all the leads connected tonight I will take a photo, but we did this with a bit of sadness, as I love Christmas lights I purchased a 48 metre long rope light which I hung on our front fence.
Last year Mr CLI came home one night and said that some of the rope light wasn't working, as it was nearly Christmas I didn't do anything about.
When we checked it out last night the moron or morons that had swung on it with such force they had some how broken the connection in the rope so that only half of it worked !
We of course didn't hear anything when it was done, the same as when they hung of our 2 metre high front gate and pulled it from the pillar, because our house is set back 60 metres from the front fence.
So this year we hung up what was still working on the front of the house. The good thing that did come out of it is the Christmas Grinch, Mr CLI said I could get more lights for next year and we will keep them closer to the house.