So to me that means growing as many vegetables as possible, as we have had the wettest Winter I haven't attempted to grow anything, but as the days are getting longer and the sun is with us again, it is now time to get our vegetable garden ready.
So on the weekend Miss Fish and I proceeded to give the garden bed a good weed, I found a rogue fennel that had grown by itself. Miss Fish found a small colander full of potatoes.
So after a couple of hours of hard weeding the bed looks much better. When we return from our little trip, we will all be off to Bunnings to buy mulch and seedlings to get our vegetables in ready for Christmas.
Talking of Christmas, yes I know you weren't thinking about it yet, but believe me, you mark my words by next week the Christmas decorations and candy canes will begin to appear in the shops.
Now for people like me that color theme their tree every year, I don't mind the early arrival of decorations because I can buy them over several months. Having said that I must get the Christmas balls out of the cupboard that I bought last year to see what color theme we are having this year.

I must say that I am a big Christmas fan there is never to many lights or decorations to be had, but it makes it a bit hard when you live with the Christmas Gringe, who has no Christmas ho ho ho !
So after our garden has been endowered with its new seedlings surrounded by a new blanket of mulch I will post pictures and give you updates.
I'm like you! I looove Christmas so I'm really looking forward to it! :D