While we down in Melbourne over the weekend, we meet up with my Sister and her daughter on Sunday as it was my nieces 9th Birthday.
We all meet at La Cibo Cafe, as I haven't been to this cafe before it was a new experience, but my sister has eaten there so often she is good friends with the owner.
They decorated the table with balloons and Happy Birthday streamers.
As we were meeting for brunch we all looked at the breakfast menu.
Mr CLI had the big breakfast which consisted of eggs either poached, fried or scrambled, 2 slices of toasted sour dough bread, 1/2 a tomato fried, mushrooms, 3 chipolata sausages, 3 rashers of bacon and cooked spinach. He managed to struggle his way through the food mountain that appeared on his plate.
I had poached eggs and bacon with mushrooms. The eggs were poached so that the yolk was still runny and the bacon was cooked so there were crisp bits but it was still soft to eat. I hate bacon cooked so hard that it just splinters when you try to cut it.
My Niece had pancakes with lemon and sugar, she got 3 fluffy pancakes with 2 wedges of lemon and a small bowl of icing sugar to sprinkle over. She only managed to eat 2, so Miss Fish volunteered to eat the last one for her.
I must admit that 2 screaming toddlers did put a bit of a dampener on the meal, as we had trouble at times to talk over their noise. But all said and done it was a very enjoyable stop to have on the way home.
We all waddled out of the restaurant very well feed and actually we could have had a little nap, but as we needed to drive home that was impossible.
So if you are driving near Gisbourne, and are hungry think of the La Cibo restaurant for a big breakfast or one of their other meals.
Those meals sound huge-hubby would like them from the sounds of them! :)